Monday, January 7, 2008

Christmas Day (Santa Came!)

The kids let us sleep in until 7am, and then it was time to venture downstairs to see if Santa had found our humble abode the night before.

Hmm.... There seems to have been some activity near the fireplace!

The cookies and milk are gone! Santa was here! And judging by the bites in the carrots, so were some reindeer!

Maeve doesn't really understand what's going on, but she does know babies. And she loves them!

Yes, Teaghan was excited. Maeve is getting a closer look at her babies.

Dr. Pepper pajamas and an Ireland hat. What else would somebody need?

After we opened presents at home, we ventured down to Saratoga for Part II with Papa Jack, Grandma Joanie and Great Grandma Joanna.

Teaghan dove right in.

But Maeve hit the wall, and then the couch.

Teaghan was loving life!

Great Grandma Joanna and Papa Jack have a heated debate over who got the most presents.

I know it's hard to believe, but I think Papa Jack likes his Heineken Keg.

Later in the day, Grandma Bernie and Papa John joined us for Christmas dinner.

After dinner, Scott and Papa John played some tunes for the family.

Papa Jack and Teaghan break in her new big wheel.

Los Lynches y un Watt en el día de Navidad.

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