Somehow, everybody survived the flight. It was actually harder getting on and off the plane, than it was being on the plane...
Once we arrived, it was relative-central. You couldn't turn without bumping into a Lavelle or Barnicle or some other relation. Here Teaghan and Michael discuss Ohio State's 2008/2009 Bowl game prospects.
Meanwhile, Anya was passed around and around. She finally ended up with Aunt Sandy who was kind enough to feed her dinner. Anya was very pleased.
Not too far away, Maeve and Gracie worked on their tackling skills in anticipation of that weekend's Bears/Eagles matchup.
The day of the wedding, Teaghan and Maeve sure did clean up nicely.

The Lavelle brothers just before the ceremony.
If you haven't seen Maeve dance, then you need to, because words can't describe the passion and energy that take over her little body as she proceeds to OWN the dance floor.
The bride cuts the rug.
I'm pretty sure they're singing Jessie's Girl.
Our hotel was only a couple of blocks from the river. Just horribly ugly, no?

The day after the wedding, Uncle Colum and little Maeve were beat.
Just before we headed to the airport, Teaghan showed off her Mickey Mouse shirt.
Mommy and Daddy took a quick self portrait in front of Trump's latest behemoth.
Can you spot the baby?
This is such a beautiful thing! Alla famiglia!! xo, -t2
Good to see a photo of mommy and daddy together! but couldn't quite figure out why uncle was with niece instead of WIFE day after wedding...
thanks for sharing!!!!
~~Al Green~~
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